Brake Service and Repair
When it comes to safety, no part of your vehicle is more important than the brakes. They should be inspected at least once a year to determine the condition of the hydraulic system and operating hardware. While the entire braking system requires attention, the friction components (pads, shoes, rotors and drums) require constant attention because they wear down each time you apply your brakes.
How can I tell when I need a brake service or brake repair?
The brake pedal can be depressed nearly to the floor
You hear a squealing or other unusual noise when you apply the brakes. Some brands of brake pads have a built-in device that produces a high-pitched squeal when the brake pads need replacing.
The vehicle pulls to one side when you apply the brakes.
You feel a grinding or bumpy sensation as you come to a stop.
In general, if there is something about your brakes that is making you uncomfortable, you should have them inspected.
What are the benefits of a properly maintained braking system?
Firm and steady pedal feel
Peace of mind
Consistent stopping under repeated hard braking conditions
Even braking
Longer brake system component and friction material life
Smooth stopping
What is included in the lifetime brake service?
We begin with a comprehensive inspection of your car’s entire braking system.
Pads and shoes are replaced and under warranty for as long as you own the car.
Wheel bearings are repacked as needed.
The brake hardware is properly lubricated.
The brake fluid is topped off.
The hydraulic system is purged of air and adjusted.
Drums and rotors are refinished if required.
At an additional cost, the drums and rotors are replaced if they are out of specifications.
Based on our inspection, other components may need to be replaced.
Specialty brake pads cost extra.The Lifetime Warranty is offered at participating centers. Please see your center for details.
All of the parts we install are guaranteed to meet or exceed manufacturer’s standards. If you wish, we’ll return your old brake parts to you.
Our technicians are also experts in servicing the computer-controlled components of anti-lock braking systems (ABS) that are common on today’s vehicles.
This service, like all services performed at Precision Tune Auto Care, is recommended based on manufacturer’s standards, or when needed as determined by our inspection and industry standards.
Don’t put off brake service and repair.
Cooling System Service
The cooling system removes the tremendous heat generated by your vehicle’s engine. This heat, if left uncontrolled, can quickly damage vital engine components. The cooling system is sealed and under pressure.
When does my car cooling system need service?
The car cooling system should be checked yearly. Failure to maintain the cooling system can result in overheating, which can cause severe damage to the engine.
What is included in the cooling system service?
The pressure conditions and coolant volume are checked.
The radiator cap is checked to ensure it functions and fits correctly.
Radiator hoses are checked to ensure they are not worn, cracked or disintegrating.
Engine belts are checked.
Are there environmental concerns with having my cooling system serviced?
Precision Tune Auto Care services cooling systems in an environmentally- friendly way. We pump out the existing coolant and properly dispose of the used coolant according to EPA standards. We service the cooling system with a conditioner, which will clean out the system. We then refill the system with new anti-freeze, adding a coolant system sealer when recommended. The last step of the process is to purge the system of all air pockets, ensuring that the cooling fans function in a timely manner
Car cooling system service is recommended based on manufacturer’s standards or when needed as determined by our inspection industry standards.
Automotive Maintenance
Tune-ups – When your vehicle receives regular tune-ups from McMoen Auto Repair, your vehicle’s gas mileage and overall performance will improve. With the cost of gas on the rise, investing in regular tune-ups for your vehicle can actually save you a considerable amount of money. A tune-up service from McMoen Auto Repair will also include an inspection and adjustment of all of the systems of your vehicle that can contribute to the fuel combustion and efficiency of your vehicle.
Timing Belts – The timing belt of your vehicle is the component of your vehicle’s internal combustion engine that is responsible for controlling the timing of the engine’s valves. In most vehicles, this critical component must be replaced every 100,000 miles, and it can be expensive. However, with McMoen Auto Repair, you can trust that your timing belt replacement will be installed properly the first time.